Check in
Log in with the clicker to get a clear focus and goal for the day, creating purpose and clarifying expectations.
- Clear overview of today's focus and goals
- Encourages positive behaviors

Perform activity
The clicker acts as a reminder, and every button press is rewarded. Activities are registered in real-time with a simple press, bringing the user closer to their goal.
Celebrate successes
After interacting with a customer, results are quickly and easily logged with the second button. The entire flow is registered directly in PushAppy for further analysis and follow-up.
- Quick and easy registration of results
- Customer remains unaware of the process

Measurable results
Data from button presses is automatically compiled in the platform, enabling pattern analysis, goal follow-ups, and activity adjustments based on actual results.
- Measurable results for tailored strategies
- Keep focus on the customer at all times
- Analyze trends and follow up goals in real-time
PushAppy Click in numbers
M+total button presses
+places where the Click is used
+users of PushAppy Click
%accepted an offer